충성하다(to be loyal)
충성하다(to be loyal)
[ chung-seong-ha-da ]
품사(Part of speech) : 동사(verb)
어느 대상이나 사람에게 끊이지 않고 성실하게 대하고 믿음을 주는 행위이다.
(It is an act of consistently acting faithfully and giving trust to a certain target or person.)
충성은 주로 나라, 조직, 또는 개인에 대한 헌신적인 태도를 가리킨다.
(Loyalty typically refers to a devoted attitude towards a country, organization, or individual.)
Examples of 충성하다(to be loyal) in a sentence
“그는 평생 동안 나라에 충성했다.”
(“He was loyal to his country throughout his life.”)
“직원들은 회사에 충성하는 자세를 가져야 한다.”
(“Employees should have a loyal attitude towards the company.”)
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