[ chum-chu-da ]
품사(Part of speech) : 동사(Verb)
음악에 맞추어 몸을 움직이며 즐기는 행위.
(The act of moving the body in enjoyment to music.)
특정한 리듬과 동작으로 감정이나 이야기를 표현하는 행위.
(The act of expressing emotions or stories through specific rhythms and movements.)
Examples of 춤추다(Dance) in a sentence
“그녀는 음악이 나오자마자 춤을 춰 더욱 분위기를 띄웠다.”
(“She danced as soon as the music came on, creating more atmosphere.”)
“춤추는 것은 나에게 감정을 자유롭게 표현하는 방법이다.”
(“Dancing is a way for me to freely express my emotions.”)
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