[ changmun ]
품사(Part of speech) : 명사(Noun)
건물이나 차량 등의 외벽에 달려 있어, 밖을 볼 수 있게 해주는 통로
(A passage on the exterior wall of a building or vehicle that allows you to view outside)
통풍과 채광을 통해 실내 환경을 개선하는 기능
(It improves the indoor environment through ventilation and lighting)
Examples of 창문(window) in a sentence
“창문을 열어서 신선한 공기를 들여보내자.”
(“Let’s open the window and let in fresh air.”)
“창문을 닫으니 방이 조용해졌다.”
(“The room became quiet when the window was closed.”)
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