은하수(Milky Way)
은하수(Milky Way)
[ eun-ha-su ]
품사(Part of speech) : 명사(noun)
하늘에 펼쳐진 수많은 별들의 띠.
(A band of numerous stars spread across the sky.)
우리 은하가 있는 거대한 별들의 무리.
(A massive group of stars that includes our galaxy.)
Examples of 은하수(Milky Way) in a sentence
“여름밤에 은하수를 보러 산에 갔다.”
(“We went to the mountains to see the Milky Way on a summer night.”)
“은하수는 맑은 밤에 잘 보인다.”
(“The Milky Way is clearly visible on a clear night.”)
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