송편(Rice cake)
송편(Rice cake)
[ Songpyeon ]
품사(Part of speech) : 명사(Noun)
한국에서 추석에 주로 먹는 음식
(A food mainly eaten on Chuseok in Korea)
밥을 찌거나 삶은 것을 재료로 하여 속을 넣고 찌는 음식
(A food made by stuffing and steaming ingredients made from boiled or steamed rice.)
Examples of 송편(Rice cake) in a sentence
“추석 때 집에서 송편을 만들었다.”
(“I made rice cakes at home for Chuseok.”)
“송편 만드는 것은 재미있는 전통 활동이다.”
(“Making rice cakes is a fun traditional activity.”)
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