[ sa-gwa ]
품사(Part of speech) : 명사(noun)
흔히 빨갛게 익은 열매를 음식으로 쓰고, 나무도 이르는 말.
(Commonly, the term for a ripened red fruit that’s used as food, and also a term for the tree carrying this fruit.)
잘못을 인정하고 용서를 청함.
(An admission of one’s mistake, seeking forgiveness.)
Examples of 사과(apple) in a sentence
“우리 집 과일 바구니에는 사과가 가득하다.”
(“Our fruit basket is full of apples.”)
“일을 잘못해서 회사에 사과를 했다.”
(“I apologized to the company for the unintentional mistake.”)
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