[ byeong-won ]
품사(Part of speech) : 명사(Noun)
질병을 치료하거나 예방하기 위해 의사, 간호사 등 의료인이 작업하는 곳.
(A place where doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals work to treat or prevent disease.)
재활이나 수술을 위해 필요한 장비와 시설을 갖춘 곳.
(It has equipment and facilities necessary for rehabilitation or surgery.)
Examples of 병원(hospital) in a sentence
“그는 감기가 심해져서 병원에 갔다.”
(“He was sick with a cold, so he went to the hospital.”)
“병원은 사람들의 건강을 관리하는 중요한 곳입니다.”
(“Hospitals are important places for managing people’s health.”)
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