반가워하다(to be glad)
반가워하다(to be glad)
[ bangawohada ]
품사(Part of speech) : 동사(Verb)
무언가에 기쁘거나 즐거움을 느끼는 것
(Feeling joyful or glad about something)
무언가를 나이스하게 느끼거나, 그것에 활짝 웃는 것
(Feeling nice about something or smiling broadly at it)
Examples of 반가워하다(to be glad) in a sentence
“그는 만나게 된 친구를 반가워하였다.”
(“He was glad to meet his friend.”)
“모두가 그의 승리를 반가워하였다.”
(“Everyone was glad about his victory.”)
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