드립커피(Drip Coffee)

[ deu-rip keo-pi ]

품사(Part of speech) : 명사(Noun)

뜨거운 물을 커피 분말에 천천히 흘려 보내 만든 커피

(Coffee made by slowly pouring hot water through coffee powder)

특별한 기구 없이도 만들 수 있는 커피 방식 중 하나

(One of the coffee-making methods that can be made without special equipment)

Examples of 드립커피(Drip Coffee) in a sentence

“드립커피를 아침에 한잔 마시면 기분이 좋다”

(“It’s good to have a cup of drip coffee in the morning”)

“드립커피를 만드는 것은 복잡하지만 맛있다”

(“Making drip coffee is complicated, but it’s delicious”)