녹차라떼(green tea latte)
녹차라떼(green tea latte)
[ nok-cha-latte ]
품사(Part of speech) : 명사(noun)
녹차와 우유를 함께 섞어 만든 음료
(A beverage made by mixing green tea and milk)
부드럽고 달콤한 맛을 가짐
(It has a smooth and sweet flavor)
Examples of 녹차라떼(green tea latte) in a sentence
“카페에서 녹차라떼를 주문했다.”
(“I ordered a green tea latte at the cafe.”)
“그는 녹차라떼를 굉장히 좋아한다.”
(“He really likes green tea latte.”)
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