낙엽(fallen leaves)
낙엽(fallen leaves)
[ nak-yeop ]
품사(Part of speech) : 명사(noun)
가을에 나무에서 떨어지는 잎.
(Leaves that fall from trees in autumn.)
나무나 풀이 시들어 떨어지는 잎을 말함.
(Refers to leaves that wither and fall from trees or plants.)
Examples of 낙엽(fallen leaves) in a sentence
“산책하면서 낙엽을 밟는 소리가 좋다.”
(“I like the sound of stepping on fallen leaves while walking.”)
“공원에 가면 낙엽이 많이 떨어져 있다.”
(“There are many fallen leaves in the park.”)
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