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품사(Part of speech) : 형용사(adjective)

인생이나 사물을 밝고 희망적인 것으로 보는.

(To see life or things as bright and hopeful)

앞으로의 일 따위가 잘되어 갈 것으로 여기는.

(Thinking that things will go well in the future.)

Examples of 낙관적인(Optimistic) in a sentence

“그 매출 예상은 지나치게 낙관적이었던 것으로 밝혀졌다.”

(“The sales forecasts turned out to be over-optimistic”)

“그는 항상 낙관적이었다. 사정이 최악일 때에도.”

(“He was always optimistic, even when things were at their worst”)