꽃밭(flower bed)

[ kot-bat ]

품사(Part of speech) : 명사(Noun)

많은 꽃들이 심어져 있는 조그만 부분을 말함.

(It refers to a small section where many flowers are planted.)

특정한 꽃들을 조화롭게 배치하여 심어놓은 땅.

(Ground where specific flowers are harmoniously arranged and planted.)

Examples of 꽃밭(flower bed) in a sentence

“꽃밭을 둘러싸고 있는 향기가 너무 좋았다.”

(“The scent surrounding the flower bed was so good.”)

“나는 부지런히 꽃밭에 꽃을 심었다.”

(“I diligently planted flowers in the flower bed.”)