“Unreasonable demands? All situations discussed”… ‘Papa Recipe’, Minoi’s no-show statement

<Photo source=AOMG>

The skincare brand ‘Papa Recipe’ has made a statement regarding the no-show incident involving Minoi.

On the 7th, Papa Recipe commented on the controversy surrounding Minoi’s no-show at an advertisement shoot, saying, “We received sudden cancellation notice on the day of the shoot and were bewildered and regretful to terminate the contract a day later.”

Initially, Minoi’s model contract was for 200 million won (including VAT, 220 million won) for a 6-month period. There was one photo shoot and one video shoot, and one social media upload was decided.

Papa Recipe clarified, “There were no unreasonable demands on the advertising model in the contract,” and “All situations proceeded only with agreed conditions.”

They also stated that they claimed only the minimum in damages. “We withdrew from the contract without taking any penalty fees, only requesting the actual expenses incurred,” they explained.

According to Papa Recipe, ‘AOMG’ promptly proceeded with compensation after reviewing the detailed expense quotation. They paid for 100 meals on wheels, snack cars, accommodation expenses, and staff labor costs.

Papa Recipe expressed, “We are very concerned and hope that everything is resolved soon so that Minoi can return to his activities with a bright and positive image, which we support.”

Minoi caused controversy by no-showing on the day of the Papa Recipe shoot. However, he claimed, “I wasn’t shared the advertising contract details,” and “a fake seal was used on the contract.”

However, Minoi’s claims were found to be untrue. In reality, Minoi had been discussing the advertising content with his agency, and the seal was an electronic signature.<Here is the official statement from Papa Recipe>

Hello, we are the skincare brand ‘Papa Recipe’.

We would like to officially address the recent issues concerning the advertising contract and shooting with ‘Minoi (singer Park Min-young)’.

On the day of the ad shoot, we were bewildered and regretful to cancel the contract a day after receiving a sudden cancellation notice. However, we understood the situation of the agency AOMG and artist Minoi and sought to resolve the issue amicably by only proceeding with the minimum compensation for the actual items carried out.

As we watched the repeated controversies from afar, hoping for no further issues, we also had conversations of empathy and support for each other’s situations.

Therefore, we maintained neutrality despite numerous questions, wanting to envelop everything in silence without revealing the brand name.

Even at this moment, we hope for a resolution and present the truth through this official statement.

  1. There were no unreasonable demands on the advertising model in the contract.

The standard contract conditions with a celebrity ad model usually involve one photo shoot, one video shoot for a 6-month contract period, and the schedule for each shoot follows the agency’s internal rules, so all situations proceeded only with agreed conditions.

And brand promotion through the ad model’s personal SNS is carried out with a total of 1~2 uploads during the contract period, so we proceeded with one upload for Minoi.

  1. We withdrew from the contract without claiming any penalty fees for breach of contract due to personal reasons of the ad model.

The ad model contract fee was 200 million (220 million including VAT), and there was no separate request for the expense cap. Therefore, compensation for damages was carried out for the actual expenses incurred, including model fees, and payments were made to all stakeholders involved after processing the detailed expense quotation.

  1. For the annual marketing strategy planned for 2024, including all advertising plans and execution budgets (4.5-5 billion) per quarter, we wanted to conclude without any compensation while changing the overall strategy, and our stance remains the same.
  2. All matters related to the contract were transparent without any bias from either side and proceeded with mutual consent. We do not disclose the contract because it contains a clause that prohibits public disclosure or transfer to third parties. If disclosure is necessary, we intend to proceed with the consent of all three parties.
  3. The agency AOMG proceeded with the compensation as quickly as possible after the incident occurred.

Due to the cancellation on the day, compensation was very quickly processed with gratitude and apology for the hard work of all staff involved, including the ad planning/production and shooting team, who unavoidably proceeded with the meal and snack cars and stayed in nearby accommodations for the arduous 3-day shoot.

We are very concerned. To all the staff who participated in the ad shoot reading this statement, we express our apologies and gratitude.

We had selected artist Minoi for his lively and positive energy as a brand model. We hope for a swift resolution so he can return to activities with a bright and positive image, and we support him.

Lastly, we will not be taking any further inquiries regarding this matter. We will meet you again as a brand that lives up to the great interest and support you have shown us. Thank you.