Daily question

What is the English word for ‘커튼’?

What is the English word for ‘커튼’?

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[ keo-teun ]

창문이나 문틀 등에 매어 두고, 필요에 따라 넓혀 바람이나 햇빛을 차단하거나 사람이 들여다보는 것을 방지하기 위한 직물

(A piece of cloth hung at a window, doorway, etc. to block wind or sunlight, or to keep people from seeing in.)

무대에서 피우고 내리는 큰 천으로, 공연 시작과 끝을 나타내는데 사용됩니다.

(A large piece of cloth that is raised and lowered on a stage to signal the start and end of a performance.)

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