Kwaktube, Lee Na-eun apologize amidst controversy…”Deeply reflecting on ignorance and rashness”

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YouTuber and broadcaster KwakTube has issued a second apology in an effort to placate public sentiment. He faced criticism not only for defending Lee Na-eun but also for the perceived insincerity of his initial apology.

On the 18th, KwakTube posted on his YouTube community, explaining his earlier apology: "I was overwhelmed and scared, thinking I needed to quickly put out an apology." He bowed his head, saying, "I am truly sorry for causing discomfort by uploading and then hiding the Italy video."

KwakTube said he read through the comments viewers left and looked into the details. "I have realized my ignorance and recklessness and am deeply reflecting," he apologized.

He also detailed the circumstances behind filming the video. He revealed, "I initially blocked Lee Na-eun, believing she was a school bullying perpetrator, but felt sorry after reading court verdict reports and thinking it was a misunderstanding."

He continued, "Amidst all this, I happened to become friends with Lee Na-eun and spontaneously suggested the Italy trip."

KwakTube has humbly reflected on the criticism that he rashly forgave Lee Na-eun on behalf of others. This is because Lee Na-eun and April members are suspected of ostracizing and bullying Lee Hyun-joo.

He admitted, "Thinking that I could understand this issue the best because I, too, have scars was my arrogance."

KwakTube also apologized again, saying, "I didn't carefully consider that my arrogant and wrong judgment could further hurt the victim" and "This is unequivocally my fault."

On the 16th, KwakTube uploaded a video of him meeting and eating with Lee Na-eun in Rome, Italy. The two are known to be close friends.

In the video, KwakTube said to Lee Na-eun, "I have something to apologize to you for." He explained that as a victim of school bullying himself, he misunderstood and blocked Lee Na-eun on Instagram.

KwakTube said, "(I saw an article saying that the allegations are not true)" and expressed, "I never said it to you face-to-face, but I felt very sorry."

Lee Na-eun also shared her feelings, saying, "It was upsetting and sad that you misunderstood me as a perpetrator and blocked me."

However, the reaction was cold. KwakTube had previously revealed on various broadcasts that he was a victim of school bullying and had sent messages supporting other victims.

Internet users criticized KwakTube by bringing up the allegations of April's bullying. They questioned why he didn't consider Lee Hyun-joo's side and pointed out that the broadcast itself was a secondary harm to Lee Hyun-joo.

The backlash was intense. On the 17th, a school bullying prevention campaign video featuring KwakTube by the Ministry of Education was made private. Netizens had filed complaints saying the video was inappropriate, and their requests were accepted.

That day, KwakTube also uploaded his first apology, stating, "There were things I missed" and "I will deeply consider it so that my personal feelings do not become everyone's stance."

Meanwhile, in 2021, Lee Hyun-joo revealed that she had suffered from assault, verbal abuse, harassment, and personal attacks by April members for three years.

The battle over the truth has continued since then. The April members and their agency claimed it was not true—that they never ostracized Lee Hyun-joo, and instead, they were scared of her.

April and their agency even filed defamation lawsuits against Lee Hyun-joo, her younger brother, and acquaintances. However, all seven cases were dismissed.

In 2022, Lee Hyun-joo's legal representative revealed this fact, announcing, "Decisions have been made not to forward the cases against Lee Hyun-joo, her family, and two friends."

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<Photo source = KwakTube video capture>