JYP Ranks 3rd in Time Magazine’s ‘World’s Best Sustainable Growth Companies of 2025’

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JYP Entertainment ranked third in the ‘World’s Best Companies for Sustainable Growth 2025.’ The American weekly magazine TIME and the German market analysis firm Statista announced the ‘World’s Best Companies for Sustainable Growth 2025.’ JYP scored 93.66 points, ranking third globally among numerous global companies and first in Korea.

Notably, it was the only company from Asia to be in the top ten. This ranking selects 500 companies worldwide that maintain strong financial health while excelling in sustainable development. TIME and Statista determined the final ranking by combining factors like revenue growth, financial safety, and environmental impact equally (out of 100 points).

Statista explained, “JYP Entertainment achieved high scores in all areas, including revenue growth rate, financial safety, and sustainability.” They added, “Particularly, it has a very high usage of eco-friendly energy and ranks within the top 5% of companies in terms of carbon emission standards, achieving balanced results within a single company is an extraordinary feat.”

JYP obtained the highest rating of ‘AA’ among domestic K-entertainment companies in the ‘2023 Morgan Stanley Capital International’ (MSCI) ESG assessment. In 2022, they were the first domestic entertainment company to publish a sustainability management report documenting its ESG efforts and activities, leading the way towards a sustainable future.

JYP’s CEO Jung Wook stated, “JYP is consistently engaged in activities that create a positive impact on society. The third sustainability management report contains JYP’s accomplishments and efforts to create a sustainable world together with all stakeholders.”

Meanwhile, under the vision of ‘EDM’ (Every Dream Matters), JYP is conducting social contribution activities to support children’s dreams and create healthy living foundations.

Since the 30th of last month, they have been supporting treatment costs for children from vulnerable groups through an amateur charity basketball tournament. The participation fees from all teams are fully used for the treatment costs of the children.

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<Photo Credit=JYP Entertainment, TIME>