Actor Moon Yoo-kang revealed his stylish charm. Moon Yoo-kang has been connecting with audiences through various mediums, including last year's film 'Hijacking' and the musical 'Holy Innocent.' This time, he graced the cover of the January issue of 'Elle Korea.' Moon Yoo-kang captured attention with diverse looks, from fitted denim on denim fashion to leather jackets and shirts. He stylishly pulled off various accessories like ear cuffs, necklaces, and glasses.
His interview was also released. He recently completed his first musical performance. He shared his thoughts on the performance, saying, "I always want to offer comfort whenever I stand on stage. I hoped that the audience could receive reassurance that it's okay to cry earnestly like Tae-oh." He also spoke about a moment when he felt confident in his acting, recalling, "My debut work was on the first performance day of the play 'Another Country.' After being newly discharged, I applied for the audition."
He continued, "I was cast as the lead, but there was a fear of how the world would perceive my acting debut. That moment was a vivid and precious turning point." Lastly, when asked what he wants to achieve as an actor, he concluded by expressing his dream: "I want to be an actor who offers various forms of comfort." Meanwhile, Moon Yoo-kang's photoshoot and detailed interview can be found in the January issue of 'Elle Korea.'
<Photo courtesy of Workhouse Company>