The movie ‘Harbin’ (directed by Woo Min-ho) is dominating the domestic box office, with 3 million viewers within reach. According to the Integrated Computer Network for Movie Tickets by the Korean Film Council, ‘Harbin’ drew 212,408 viewers on December 31 last year, with a total audience of 2,755,267.
It has maintained the number one position at the box office for eight consecutive days since its release. Despite the consecutive releases of new domestic and international films, they have not affected the success of ‘Harbin’.
The story of Ahn Jung-geun has captivated domestic movie fans, deeply moving audiences as it aligns with the atmosphere of national turmoil and the spirit of the independence army. It is expected to continue its box office success for the time being.
As of 11 a.m. on the 1st, the CGV Golden Egg Index, which indicates the actual viewers’ rating, stood at 89%, and the reservation rate exceeded 33%. Meanwhile, ‘Bogota: Land of Last Chances’ (directed by Kim Seong-je), featuring Song Joong-ki, started in second place, with 90,538 viewers on its opening day.
<Photo=Plus M Entertainment, CJ ENM>