The film “Harbin” (directed by Woo Min-ho) surpassed 1 million viewers just two days after its release. According to the integrated computer network for movie tickets by the Korean Film Council, “Harbin” surpassed 1 million viewers by the afternoon of the 25th, its second day of release.
This is the fastest pace among winter films to reach this milestone. Its pace is similar to that of the all-time blockbuster films “The Roundup 2” and “The Roundup 4” in Korea. It’s faster than “Avatar: The Way of Water,” which achieved the milestone on its third day.
The film is gaining the audience’s favor as a must-watch movie for the year-end and New Year period and continues to set monumental reservation records. It is receiving favorable reviews for its grand mise-en-scène and the emotional resonance delivered by freedom fighters.
“Harbin” depicts the Harbin operation of An Jung-geun, portraying a tense chase and suspicion between those heading to Harbin for a single purpose in 1909 and those pursuing them.
<Photo courtesy of CJ ENM>