갈비찜(Braised Ribs)

[ gal-bi-jjim ]

품사(Part of speech) : 명사(Noun)

갈비와 각종 양념을 졸여 만든 한국 음식

(A Korean dish made by braising ribs and various seasonings)

보통 고기의 맛을 살리기 위해 오랫동안 끓여 만듭니다.

(It is usually boiled for a long time to preserve the taste of the meat.)

Examples of 갈비찜(Braised Ribs) in a sentence

“우리는 갈비찜을 만들기 위해 모든 재료를 준비했다.”

(“We prepared all the ingredients to make braised ribs.”)

“엄마는 특별한 날에 항상 갈비찜을 만드십니다.”

(“Mom always makes braised ribs on special days.”)