Actor Yoo Yeon-seok met with domestic fans, offering them a meaningful time. The event was his fan meeting, 'The Secret Code: Y,' held at Donghae Culture and Arts Center at Kwangwoon University in Seoul on the 18th.
The 170-minute performance was filled with various segments. Yoo Yeon-seok gave live performances of tracks such as OSTs from the MBC-TV drama 'Call My Name Now' and numbers from the musical 'Hedwig.'
He also shared behind-the-scenes stories from his drama shoots. Kim Ji-woon, a writer for 'Call My Name Now,' also joined the event, sharing stories that could not be heard anywhere else.
The event included a variety of games. It recreated games from the SBS-TV show 'Whenever There’s A Chance,' completing tasks like standing up a shoebrush and playing jegichagi within a time limit.
Fans were moved by the event. During a quiz, the secret code was completed with the lyrics of the fan song 'Falling,' which included the phrase "Every answer to happiness is solely resolved by you."
At the end of the fan meeting, he sang 'Falling.' He confessed, "I had vague anxieties, but I received overwhelming love through 'Hedwig' and 'Call My Name Now.'"
He expressed his gratitude to fans saying, "I've gained hope that I can overcome my anxieties and show you even better sides of myself. Thank you."
Meanwhile, Yoo Yeon-seok will conduct an Asia fan meeting tour, heading to Bangkok on March 1, followed by Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Taipei.
<Photo courtesy of King Kong by Starship>