“Ive’s Comfort and Empathy Resonated”… ‘Lovele Heart’ Tops Domestic Music Charts

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Ive swept the music charts with their pre-released track. On the 13th, Ive pre-released the title track “Rebel Heart” from their third EP “IVE EMPATHY” on major music sites. “Rebel Heart” is a song depicting the solidarity march of rebels with diverse narratives. Immediately after its release, it ranked first on Bugs’ real-time chart, first on Melon’s Hot 100, and first on Vibe’s domestic rising chart.

The members held a comeback countdown live broadcast to commemorate the release, reconnecting with their fandom, Dive, after a long time. They first addressed the reason for pre-releasing “Rebel Heart” among the two title tracks. Jang Wonyoung explained, “Since January marks the beginning of a new year, we thought it would be comforting and relatable to those initiating new resolutions or steadfastly pursuing their current endeavors.”

Rei described the new album “IVE EMPATHY” as “a story about empathy, as the name suggests,” adding, “In previous albums, we focused on ‘self-love’ and concentrated on ourselves. This time, we wanted to explore empathy from various perspectives.” Gaeul added, “As Ive has grown, we wanted to show growth in our music as well. It’s about maturing from focusing on oneself to looking around and empathizing with the wounds and pains around us, and growing together through empathy.”

They also shared some behind-the-scenes of the concept photoshoot. Liz revealed, “All the photos were taken with a film camera, so we couldn’t monitor them.” Gaeul hinted, “We will wear crowns during our activities, just like in the concept photos.”

The members didn’t forget to give a sneak peek of the new choreography. They presented a dance move that mimics punching the air with clenched fists to the lyrics “Hate me.” Finally, Ive emphasized, “We’re ready to work hard this year as well. Please look forward to it.” Meanwhile, Ive is set to officially come back with a new album on the 3rd of next month.

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<Photo courtesy of Starship Entertainment>