Actor Lee Min-ho will meet Asian fans for the first time in eight years. On the 14th, Lee Min-ho's team revealed the main poster for the Asian fan meeting tour "MINHOVERSE." The tour will kick off at Olympic Hall in Seoul this coming March.
Starting with this, he is set to visit seven Asian cities: Bangkok and Macau in March, Taipei, Jakarta, and Manila in April, and Tokyo in May.
The fan meeting title "MINHOVERSE" is a combination of Lee Min-ho's name "Min-ho" and "Universe," signifying "Lee Min-ho's World, Universe."
A representative stated, "It carries a special message that fans who love Lee Min-ho gather to create Lee Min-ho's world," and added, "It will offer fans a gift-like time in a special space called the universe."
Meanwhile, Lee Min-ho is appearing in the tvN weekend drama "Ask the Stars" (written by Seo Sook-hyang, directed by Park Shin-woo). He plays the role of Gong Ryong, an obstetrician and mysterious intruder on a secret mission.
<Photo Courtesy of MYM Entertainment, Tons Entertainment>