The film “Harbin” (directed by Woo Min-ho) boasted an overwhelming box office score from the start. According to the Korean Film Council’s integrated computer network for movie tickets, “Harbin” recorded 381,536 viewers on its opening day on the 24th.
It is the highest opening score for a Korean film since the pandemic. It also surpassed the opening record of the 10 million-selling movie “Avatar: The Way of Water” (359,787 viewers). Its start was faster than this year’s biggest hits “Spring in Seoul” (opening 219,445 viewers) and “Excavation” (opening 336,129 viewers).
The reservation rate remains dominantly at number one. As of 9:12 a.m. on Christmas Day, the reservation rate for “Harbin” is 51.6%, with 545,024 people having booked tickets. “Harbin” is a film about the independence army, including An Jung-geun. It is directed by Woo Min-ho, known for “The Man Standing Next” and “Inside Men.”
The production team of “Spring in Seoul” joined forces. The film has been praised for delivering a heartfelt message of the independence army and its grand mise-en-scène.
Riding on its box office momentum, it is expected to heat up the winter theaters during the year-end and New Year holidays. It is currently being acclaimed in theaters.
<Photo Courtesy of CJ ENM>