The SBS Friday-Saturday drama 'The Fiery Priest 2' will be postponed once again. SBS-TV confirmed in a phone call with 'Dispatch' on the 16th that "'The Fiery Priest 2' will be preempted for the 'Drama Awards' on the 21st. Although it is scheduled to conclude on the 27th, it might be delayed due to special broadcasts."
'The Fiery Priest 2' is a 12-episode series. It was originally set to conclude on the 14th but was postponed on the 7th and 14th due to special broadcasts covering martial law and impeachment proceedings.
The 11th episode of 'The Fiery Priest 2' will air on the 20th at 10 PM. The next day, instead of the 12th episode, the 'SBS Drama Awards' will be broadcast. The 'Drama Awards' will start at 8:35 PM.
'The Fiery Priest 2' is a collaborative investigation drama. It features a priest who is a clergyman by day and the boss of the Angel faction, Bellato, by night, engaging in a showdown with a drug cartel. A mix of comedy and refreshing action is its appeal.
The drama is being aired with great popularity, taking first place in the December Drama Brand Reputation Rankings announced by the Korean Enterprise Reputation Research Institute on the 10th. It has captivated both ratings and buzz.
In particular, the outstanding performances of the lead actors are gaining word-of-mouth. It is surpassing the chemistry of season 1 in 2019. Actors like Kim Nam-gil, Lee Ha-nee, Kim Sung-kyun, Sung Joon, Seo Hyun-woo, and Kim Hyung-seo are generating chemistry.
<Photo courtesy of SBS.>